
Week 6 - Spend more times with AR

Be more specific at problem

Prof.Ian: “I went to KAIST and saw some interesting research, and they only had a specific problem (Re-sizing a window), and if the problem is too big, you should make your problem specific.”

Prof.Ian: “To do that, I think you should use AR device a lot, sit down with Hololens(AR device), go around with it, even you’d better go cafe with it. Spend more times with it finding a sub-situation of what does not work which finger input device can solve it.”

Prof.Ian: “You can search your sub-situation that way, but I think your concept will be matched well with ‘selection’ in the Hololens. If you are interested in it, check this out”
Pinpointing: Precise Head- and Eye- Based Target Selection for Augmented Reality

Consider how you can implement your concept with existing head motion

We had to think about how we can use our concept with head motion. If I turned my head to see the other side while I am moving my cursor with finger input, and it would be weired if the cursor stays in the space before turning my head. If we don’t think about the movement that users are going to expect, it would be failed.”

1st Prototyping plan

If we’re done with the circuit, we should consider prototyping material. The prototype had better be 3D printed with elastic filaments like Ninjaflex or Semiflex. Hard rings do not fit well. Because of the nature of the filament, the layer is thicker. Therefore, modeling it like 2.5-dimension will reduce the failure.”

Ninjaflex filament for 3D printing